Thursday, February 23, 2012

Movie Poster Shape #3

We can clearly see a shadow of a person stuck up high in the corner of 2 walls and that person's shadow is in a form of a spider, so there's only one thing that pops in our heads - "Spider-Man". Even though it doesn't say Spider-Man anywhere on the poster, we still realize that it is going to be the main idea in the movie.

Movie Poster Shape #2

I see a shadow in a shape of a car with a scull drawn on the hood and a bunch of stuff written all over it, possibly quotes from the movie. The name itself "Death Proof" already gives us an idea of the genre, obviously some kind of a horror/thriller/action movie.

Movie Poster Shape #1

Seeing a clear shape of a human being standing with his/her arms and legs spread far apart from each other, some kind of a light shining from his/her face, indicating the suspense and the thrill that could be used as a mood of this movie.

Frame Within A Frame (contrast elements)

Frame Within a Frame (to create depth/dimension)

Complete Framing

Partial Framing

Rule of Thirds movie poster#3

"Behind Enemy Lines", the main character is in the crosshairs which is right on the intersection of the bottom of horizontal and right vertical lines. The crosshairs kind of help us see the lines of the rule of thirds.

Rule of Thirds movie poster#2

"Fight Club", both main characters' faces are going along the vertical lines and the symbolic bar of soap is right on the intersection of the right vertical and the top horizontal lines

Rule of Thirds movie poster#1

Poster for the movie "Faster" is a very good example for the rule of thirds, The Rock is standing on the right vertical line and the title of the movie is right on the top horizontal line. 

Red&Green movie poster

Orange&Blue Movie Poster

Orange movie poster

I have never seen this movie, "The Darkest Hour" but i can assume that it is going to be intense judging by the huge orange colored explosion in the background.  Also thumbs up to the creator of the poster for making the background and the text font look so Russian. He/She put russian letters in text but in such a way that any english speaking person could still read it. 

Violet movie poster

The Hannah Montana posters always come out violet for a reason. Well this poster for her movie is also purple to set the mood of playfulness, seeing the shapes of people waving their arms as dark shadows shows how fun and exciting the movie is going to be. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Green movie poster

For god's sake, i don't know who could make a good looking green movie poster except for "Green Lantern" or "Hulk".  Well this one represents life, seeing as how he stands tall on that mountain and everyone else is staring at him from below. The Green Lantern - saves our lives. 

Yellow movie poster

 One of my favourite movies so far "Crank", has made it into the best yellow poster ever. The color represents the intensity and the excitement. It very well matches the mood of the plot, seeing as how Jason Statham must get electrocuted every 5 seconds to live.

Blue movie poster

I have never seen this movie but judging by the poster, it is most likely a drama/thriller. I can see a lot of sadness on her face.(Probably because the production didn't pay her enough to star in this.) Extremly weird name for the movie - "The Eye", if somebody's eye is the main idea they want to focus on, i would not want to watch that.

Red movie poster

In this Poster for the movie "Piranha" the red color represents the blood and violence, all which is going to be shown in the movie. The idea of a poster being red is kind of obvious because any other color would just make it look funny instead of scary.

Rule Of Thirds (wildlife)

Rule Of Thirds (portrait)

Rule of Thirds (Landscape)

Negative Space used to contrast with the positive focus